A loving, inclusive Christian church in Greenville, SC

From the Pastor – November 2017

What will it take to ensure that our church thrives? What does thriving look like at Augusta Road Baptist Church, and how will we know that we are reaching our full potential as we serve as one unique part of the Body of Christ? These are questions that we must prayerfully consider as a congregation. The specific details may not be clear at this moment, but I believe that the answers are tied to the vision that God has for the future of our church. I also believe that God has called us all together at this specific time to discern that vision together.

I would like to invite you to participate in three congregational conversations that will enable us to discern the future into which God is leading us. These conversations will help us understand the times and circumstances that ARBC has been its very best. We will learn how we Our congregational conversations will be led by our ministerial staff and our Vision Team. We will gather in the Fellowship Hall to share openly, honestly, and respectfully with one another. Throughout the process we will ask God’s guidance and Spirit to shine in all that we do. came to be who we are today, and what makes our community of faith unique. We will examine our current congregation and the context in which we live and serve Christ together, so that we can understand the needs of our community and how we are uniquely suited to serve them. We will dream God-sized dreams together that will shape the future of our church.

Here are the dates and times of each conversation:
• Sunday, November 12, from 4:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m.
• Sunday, January 21, from 4:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m.
• Sunday, February 25, from 4:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m.

I hope that you will plan to participate in these conversations. This will be the most important work we will do as a congregation this church year, as we discern and clarify the mission and vision to which God is calling us. If you are unable to be with us, we still want you to participate and offer your input. We want to hear from you! Included with a separate letter I sent to the congregation is the set of questions that we will be using to guide our first conversation together. Take time to prayerfully reflect on those questions, and bring your answers with you on November 12. If you are unable to join us in person, please answer these questions and return the questionnaire to the church office. We will also be sending these to you in a digital format, in the event that you would prefer to respond by email. Members of the Vision Team will be happy to follow up with you for further discussion at a time that works for you.

Please pray for our congregation as we move through this process. This is an exciting time to be part of the family of faith at ARBC. Join us as we discern God’s future for our church together!


Rev. W. Mattison King